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What we have for your family

In every respect, Forestview seeks to be a support to your family. No matter what your family looks like, we recognize the critical role that family plays in God’s plan of making disciples of all nations (c.f. Deuteronomy 6:1-9; Ephesians 6:1-4). For this reason, our three main ministries are designed to give families the kind of practical support and encouragement they need for healthy spiritual growth and success in their task of disciple-making.

Our Sunday Morning Ministry is designed to engage the entire family in worship and to equip each family member to abide in a close relationship with Christ throughout the week. Age-specific Bible classes are held for every member of the family as part of the worship service to foster a deeper understanding of the truth and aid in its application. (Nursery care is available during the Sunday service for children 3 and under).

Our Small Group & Team Ministry is designed to help adults and youth (ages 13-17) connect with their peers and grow in Christ’s love as they develop caring friendships, integrate God’s Word into their lives, and serve others with the gifts God has given them.
Our Mentoring Ministry is designed to help adults and youth connect with mature believers who can help them become more fruitful followers of Christ. Mentoring is also available for married couples.

There are many service opportunities for individuals and families to take part in as well. Join a Ministry Team. Take part in a local mercy ministry to serve the needy in our community. Or take part in a short-term mission project to extend Christ’s love to a needy international community.

Sunday Service at 10 am - All are welcome!